Where to Start with 3D Animation Exercises?
The bouncing ball is a classic and, above all, a must-do.
Why? Because what you’ll learn from these animations will help you in every other one! Everything is a "bouncing ball": walking, running, jumping...
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01 - Bouncing ball On one axis
That's it! Keep it simple! Get familiar with the graph editor, learn to play with timing and spacing. Learn how to break the animation curves tangents.
02 - Bouncing ball
On two axis
Yep! work on Y and X separately. Understand what is really affecting each curve: Gravity, inertia and friction.
03 - Bouncing ball
With obstacle and rotation
Now you can add a rotation, don't slide on the ground!
How to create a clear bounce on the wall?
04- Bouncing ball
Let's introduce fun! (I mean more fun) Break your timing, make it alive.
Add stretch squash, anticipation and overlap!
05- Bouncing ball
How to animate weight! Is that a secret? Not at all, it's called physic laws!
That's it? Five bouncing balls to become an animator? Of course, this is just the beginning of your journey. But rest assured, if you master these animation exercises, it will make your life much easier for the next step!
Check out other animation exercises!
Tutorials are coming!
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