Let's start the year with optimism!
Have you checked out Reddit or other animation forums recently?
It's really depressing! "Should I pursue animation training, or switch to studying medicine?"
"Is it still worth it to pursue animation studies with the advent of AI?"
"How can one hope to find a job if even the veterans are unemployed?"
These are some of the questions I've come across on the internet lately... It's true that 2023 has been a remarkably challenging year.
What happened?

You might already know, but in 2023, Hollywood faced two unprecedented strikes: both actors and writers went on strike for various reasons, including the adaptation of their contracts to the new realities of production consumption (specifically streaming) and the regulation of artificial intelligence and associated image rights. More information:
If the strike has ended, why hasn't work resumed?
Its coming! If VFX artists and animators haven't returned to work yet, it's because there is a gap of several months between filming (production) and post-production effects. Unfortunately, a significant number of VFX artists and animators find themselves on temporary unemployment due to the lack of active production.
However, I've been noticing an increasing number of job offers on LinkedIn in recent weeks. Admittedly, it's not at the level of 2022 yet, but it's slowly picking up.
In my opinion (unfortunately, I don't have a crystal ball), productions will kick into high gear within the next two or three months, and everything should be running at full speed by the end of the summer.
A cyclical job.
The past years have been prosperous, leading us to forget that our industry is often subject to cycles. I remember 15 years ago, we clearly observed the emergence of annual cycles, characterized by intense activity for a few months followed by quieter periods. Recently, the surge in high-profile special effects and the high demand for films and series have resulted in years of full employment.
What can be gleaned from this adventure?
The episode of 2023 is a good reminder that we should not rest on our laurels, it's good to build up a small economic cushion, and constantly invest in our education, and perhaps even develop parallel skills...
Why am I super optimistic for 2024?
The Streaming War
An increasing number of streaming platforms have recently entered the scene, vying for new customers by offering a growing array of content.
The Rise of Adult Animation
In the realm of animation, beyond the seemingly boundless productions for children, there is a noticeable surge in adult-oriented series gaining significant success: Arcane, Blue Eye Samurai, Love, Death and Robots, to name a few. These productions have signed on for additional seasons, showcasing the growing popularity of adult-oriented animated content.
New Successful Franchises
The arrival of recent successful franchises (or reboots):
Exciting Technologies!
Cutting-edge technologies, designed to lower production costs and streamline the creation of special effects, such as studios equipped with LED walls, stand as significant investments made in recent years, just waiting to be utilized! An example is seen with The Mandalorian:
And what about video games?
It's a revolution in the making! The rapid advent of ultra-realistic real-time rendering engines and artificial intelligence, especially for dialogues enabling interaction with the player, promises exciting days ahead in the gaming industry!
On the artistic front, I'm delighted to see that superhero movies are becoming less and less successful. It was undoubtedly a good financial cash cow, but this shift brings a breath of fresh air to our work... Let's make some place for creativity.
Animator 2024, keep it up! In a few months, we'll be back in full swing!
Update July 2024
So yes, we're not there yet! More layoffs, still no full employment in sight. Two new factors have come into play:
The threat of an IATSE strike, which ultimately did not happen, but the mere threat of a looming strike has slowed down productions.
The reduction of tax credits (at least in Quebec), which will make it more difficult to obtain new projects in the province.
Still optimistic?
Yes! Overall for 2025 this time! But for Quebec, the reduction of the tax credit will surely have negative repercussions.