I realized that when I started my first job in animation, my priorities were very different from today's! This gave me the idea to ask you and see if any trends emerge with age or seniority. Thank you for responding to this survey; responses will be collected here in a few days!
This survey has been done online, with 76 participants. March 18th 2024
Participant's age

Participant's type

To the question:What is driving you in animation?
Participants had to rate from 0 (not at all ) to 4 (A lot) those topics:

The human connection (Working with a friendly team)
The technical challenge
Working on a prestigious project (e.g., well-known films)
The visibility of the project (e.g., highly-watched series)
Work-life balance (Flexible schedules, possible telecommuting)
The opportunity to contribute to projects with social or educational impact
Professional recognition in the animation industry
Access to training and professional development opportunities
Job stability and security in the animation industry
The opportunity to travel or work abroad for projects
The opportunity to collaborate with renowned artists and creators
The artistic aspect and creative freedom in animation work
Top 5 priorities of animators
(by age from high to low)
-18 to 25
The human connection (Working with a friendly team)
The artistic aspect and creative freedom in animation work
The opportunity to collaborate with renowned artists and creators
The technical challenge
Work-life balance (Flexible schedules, possible telecommuting)
26 to 30
The human connection (Working with a friendly team)
Work-life balance (Flexible schedules, possible telecommuting)
The artistic aspect and creative freedom in animation work
The technical challenge
The opportunity to contribute to projects with social or educational impact
31 to 35
Work-life balance (Flexible schedules, possible telecommuting)
The artistic aspect and creative freedom in animation work
Job stability and security in the animation industry
The human connection (Working with a friendly team)
35 +
The human connection (Working with a friendly team)
Work-life balance (Flexible schedules, possible telecommuting)
The artistic aspect and creative freedom in animation work
Job stability and security in the animation industry
The technical challenge
Detailed data:

Evolution of priorities with time:
Unsurprisingly, the Top 5 priorities of animators evolve over time, yet human interaction, work-life balance, and creativity remain the driving forces for animators!
Do you want to take part in the next survey? Would you like to receive the latest animated news?